January 6, 2022

Why Paintball is the Best Team Building Activity in Ottawa

You’ve heard this saying time and time again, teamwork makes the dream work!

When you’re running a business and trying to manage a team of people, you want to make sure they’re working as efficiently and effectively as possible. The best way to do this is to invest some time and money in team building activities.

The Importance of Team Building Activities for Workplaces

Here are just a few of the reasons why team building activities are important for workplaces:

Builds Trust

In any workplace, a team that trusts each other is an effective one. Team building activities allow your employees to collaborate on something other than work. As a result, you’ll start to see the trust form, relationships flourish, and the collaboration improves when they continue working on projects.

Improve Communication

Providing activities for employees to work together that are not related to work can improve their communication. In particular, when strategizing is involved, teams must discuss a topic that is unrelated to their typical conversations. Successful collaboration on a “foreign” topic will lead them to improve their communication on work-related tasks.

Increase Productivity

Team building activities can also increase productivity. When your employees participate in team activities, they can discover new skills and improve on existing ones. Overall, more work will get done in less time.

Why Paintball is a Great Team Building Activity

If you’re looking for the perfect team building activity, paintball is a popular choice for many businesses. It’s something different and more active than traditional team building events. Here are a few reasons why paintball is a great team building activity:

Encourages Communication

Communication is key to any workplace. It’s also key to winning a game of paintball!

Clear communication is needed to execute strategies. During gameplay, all team members must be actively sharing ideas to inform their teammates of their next moves.  A game of paintball provides employees with the perfect opportunity to build their communication skills. The skills can then be brought back to the office.

Improves Team Spirit & Relationships

As we mentioned in the beginning, teamwork is crucial to the success of your business.

Paintball also demands the same level of teamwork to win against your competitors. In the field, the team that works together effectively usually wins. The same is said for workplace teams. The teams that can work well together will be able to work more productively, resulting in better outcomes for your business.

Builds Problem-Solving Skills

Paintball games rely on strategies and tactics.

Teams work together to come up with the perfect strategy to defeat the opposing team. Working together in this way can help your employees build problem-solving skills that can be brought back to the office!

Stress Relief Opportunity

Stress is a very common factor that contributes to a negative work environment. At one point or another, everyone gets stressed due to a number of reasons.

Paintball is a great way to take someone’s mind off the things that are causing them stress. Getting your employees out of their regular routine and into an environment where they can let loose and have fun, is a sure-fire way to relieve some stress.

Organizing a Team Building Paintball Game in Ottawa

If you’re planning for your company’s next team building activity, organize a game (or a few!) of paintball with Commando Paintball.

Our staff at Commando Paintball will work with you to find the best time and date for your team to come out for a team building activity. Based on the size of your team, we’ll set you up with the best field to ensure a fun-filled and exciting game.

Regardless of skill level, our team ensures that all players can enjoy a safe and fun paintball experience that allows them to build relationships and trust with their coworkers. Paintball is the best team building activity in Ottawa and Commando Paintball is excited to be a part of this experience! Contact our team to get started on organizing a game of team building paintball.